I warn some readers of the language used in this article as it may be offensive and not appropriate for young readers:
In this great nation of the U.S. we live in a land where a man from the ghetto has the opportunity to become a multi millionaire, trillionaire or in the world of McDonald, a Dollaraire. When this happens for a young gent it is usually in one of a few areas but not limited to just the following...sports, music or acting. Even when they reach this monetary status that only few will ever know in one lifetime they still have to deal with people that have awakened for the day and wish to drink red hateraide all day. Why this happens is not apparent to anyone but it’s how the millionaire handles it that tells alot about the character of that person.
Today as I do normally I am tweeting with my peeps, cause it’s a must and the internet is the best source for news and potential articles for me, and I get down to a tweet to LeBron James from a tweeter named Ryan Outrich that went a little something like this: @KingJames continuation to my last tweet, u r a big nosed big lipped bug eyed nigger. ur greedy, u try to hide ur ghettoness. Now understand, I am one of those people with the toughest skin around and definitely do not possess virgin ears so as I read the ignorance that had just been electronically spewed I sat back and said to myself, “REALLY”!! What would make a person say something like this on the internet to this man and not have a basis. So instantly because again I love Twitter and all that the Internets has to offer, I take the sender name and search to see where this thing went wrong or where this person, who may for all I know be a Clevelandite that still feels sour with James because of the whole “Decision” fiasco or maybe at the worst they are Cavs owner Dan Gilberts family and with the start of the 2010-2011 NBA season drawing near old emotional wounds have not healed.
So turns out, and please be warned that most of the twitter-transmissions from this user to James have been laced with nothing but ingredients of hate so please be prepared before reading this if the above transmission didnt prepare you. This user’s entire twitter page since July 19, 2010 seems to be dedicated to his campaign of “I HATE LEBRON JAMES”, not sure why but it is. The following are messages taken from his page:
@KingJames Have a good scratchin the crabs that ur mom gave u u sick inccest fuck
RyanOutrich Ryan Outrich
KingJames When you RT this "RyanOutrich, hates me" I will never tweet u again. bcuz after that i will hack ur shit n kill u
@kingJames I cannot wait for u 2 come here so i can jump on the court n throw the fattest bow in ur huge greedy nigger face
contin. every1 nos u r not smart n every1 now no how big a jew nigged piece of shit Everytime u get hurt I ejaculate.
@KingJames continuation to my last tweet, u r a big nosed big lipped bug eyed nigger. ur greedy, u try to hide ur ghettoness.
@KingJames I no u have been getting a lot of shit today. and all of no one another. I just want you to know u r the biggest fucking faggot
@KingJames what kind of reaction do you think cleveland will give you when come back here??
@KingJames i hate you so much
@KingJames when you come to cleveland ill will be the one scalping you while my minyins bite off each of fingures then where gonna lynch u
@KingJames i hope you and maverick carter get killed...idc how..i just hope you both die
takeo spikes is still alive??
nothing like being tired, sick, and crabby...and being with an infant
@KingJames so lets c u love the yankees(stacked)cowboys(stacked) KC(3-0) u went to the heat.U r by far the biggest fucking front runner ever
Trying to get on this twitter buisness....gimme some good ppl to follow
@KingJames is fucking piece of God damn shit do the world a favor n Lynch urself u ignorant dumb nigger
@chrisbosh seems just like yesterday u hatched ouuta ur shell and the ugliest dino of them all was born
@KingJames that's offensive to mothers
@KingJames college woulda maybe went over loose and loss u fucking dumbass
@KingJames what ru king of...something I also have wondered please lemme know. O wait u don't care about neone but urself nigger
KingJames LeBron James (retwetted by this user that hates James so much that he checks his page periodically to see what he has said or is doing)
by RyanOutrich
Don't think for one min that I haven't been taking mental notes of everyone taking shots at me this summer. And I mean everyone!
@chrisbosh u can count?
KingJames LeBron James (retwetted by this user that hates James so much that he checks his page periodically to see what he has said or is doing)
by RyanOutrich
"Parent never had a good job, Now its Black American Express Card". Amazing right!
@KingJames I heard about ur gay ass party where u had a gay dancer swinging from the ceiling wearing only ur jersey..sounds like a real bash
@KingJames ru getting ur toseys done with ur boyfriend d wade we all dino bosh isn't allowed in for public saftey
@KingJames I hate you
So, as you can see for approximately 60 days this user has made it his mission to be a part of LeBron James life, mind or at least his twitter page. I think the user has many issues, to say the least, but the major one seems to be an obsession with an athlete that has more self control and smarts than he does. If James was the thug or self-consumed-project-personality- having-individual that this user attempts to paint him as he would have responded to the tweets long time ago, DIRECTLY, and it wouldn't have been a politically correct tweet such as the ones that James has responded with:
U see world how people feel! Just use it as extra motivation in whatever u do best! No one can stop your dreams from becoming reality!
The response would have been in person and would have been an in-person response, being that a thug with his monetary means has ways of finding you and then making sure that they have a “knock and talk” with you. James on the other hand has stayed above board and not dropped to the level that the user is attempting to get him to lower himself to. I know that an athlete on his level has staff that will help him handle situations such as this, who knows he may not even be the individual that reads and answers his own tweets because he may employ someone for that, but I’m sure a situation such as the user named above will reach him if for nothing else but safety concerns. I’m not sure how much hate mail James receives in a day, week or month but they can in no way be any worse than the twitter user that has decided not to do anything else but cry for LeBron’s affections by acting like a scorned girlfriend.
There have been a plethora of stories written since James was in his final year of his Cavaliers contract, the subsequent summer when he decided “to take his talents to South Beach”, the underground stories in reference to his Mother and her past life and situations that may have occurred that were mentioned last summer by Calvin Murphy and how “The Decision” was such a waste of time but with all of that said the kid still has an image that garners $40 million dollars annually with most of that income provided from endorsements. There is no reason in the world to dedicate all of your time and the small amount of brain cells that you have left to posting what many in the criminal prosecution field would label “hate speech” unless you are just consumed with HATE. Hate comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and ages. I hope that the NBA and its security as well as James takes this seriously and keeps a watch on every hair on James chinny chin chin to ensure that this cancer doesn't jump out from behind a team Greyhound and attempt immortality by becoming the next Mark David Chapman or John Hinkley, Jr.
Attempts to contact and interview the user at the following FB PROFILE (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=555804782&ref=ts) have been ignored today as he probably seen that I was a Black man as well and lost his lunch. Later in the afternoon as I was writing this article I checked his page again and noticed that it has been hidden. If he answers I will update the article.
Contact ZMorganII @ zmorganII@gmail.com and on twitter @zmorganII
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